
Alla inlägg under september 2011

Av Mimmi - 6 september 2011 17:57

Jag hittade det här igår när jag sökte efter lite bilder :)

Det är någon som haft lite kul och skrivit en massa små historier ;)

Jag läste allihop och jag tyckte de var så himla bra XD

Gud vilken bra fantasi den peronen har, lol ^-^



Not Weak, Just Stupid

Aoi: "Come on Kai!"

Kai: "I'm trying!"

Aoi: "Well obviously you're not trying hard enough!"

Kai: "You want to try?"

Aoi: -rolls eyes- "Prove your manliness Kai! Push!"

Kai: "This is impossible!"

Aoi: "Don't give up!"

Kai: "And what does this have to do with my manliness?"

Aoi: "If you can't do this, I'll never let you live it down! Now hurry up! We're going to be late!"

Kai: "I can't do it!"

Aoi: "Kai, Reita could easily do this!"

Kai: "Have you seen Reita? He's completely buff! And I think we both know I'm not like him!"

Reita: -comes around the corner- -sees them- "Guys… what're you doing?"

Aoi: "Kai's trying to prove he can do this."

Kai: "I think it's stuck or something! It won't budge!"

Reita: -glances between the two of them- "Well that's because the door says pull not push."



Uruha: -is sitting on living room floor, flipping through a SHOXX magazine- "Hey Aoi…"

Aoi: -is leaning against the leather couch a few feet away, sipping coffee- -sits up and places the coffee mug on the table- "Yeah?"

Uruha: -looks at him- "Where do babies come from?"

Aoi: "The Cabbage Patch."

Uruha: -mouth falls open, eyes widen- "Are you serious?"

Aoi: -expressionless face-

Uruha: "Oh my god you are serious!" –SHOXX magazine falls from his hands- -left hand covers mouth in shock-

Ruki: -walks in- "What's Uruha yelling about now?" –sipping some tea-

Uruha: -uncovers mouth and looks at Ruki, horrified- "Ruki babies come from the Cabbage Patch!"

Ruki: -tea spews out of his mouth- "What?" –looks at Aoi and sees the raven-haired guitarist smirking as he starts to drink his coffee again- "You didn't…"

Aoi: -sips coffee, eyes sparkling playfully-

Ruki: -rolls eyes- "Typical."

Uruha: "Hang on a second…" –pauses- "If babies come from the Cabbage Patch, where do children up for adoption come from?" –looks at Aoi-

Aoi: -smiles behind his mug- "The grocery store."

Ruki: "Oh don't tell me he's going to…"

Uruha: "REALLY?"

Ruki: "…believe you." –facepalm-



Interviewer: "Can you cook? What're you especially good at?"

Aoi: "I can only heat up Curry…"

Interviewer: "You can only heat up Curry…" –starts laughing- "YEAH YOU'RE REALLY PUSHING IRON CHEF THERE AOI!"

Aoi: …

Interviewer: "Sorry."



Uruha: -is standing at the edge of a street, waiting for the walk-signal-

Walk signal: -turns on-

Uruha: -glares at it-

Aoi: -is standing beside him- "Eh… Uruha… what're you doing? We can go…"

Uruha: -speaking through clenched teeth- "It's. Not. Beeping."

Aoi: -stares at him- "Excuse me?"

Uruha: "It's not beeping. I can't cross unless it beeps."

Aoi: -facepalm- "Uruha even though it's not beeping you can still cross. The signal is on."

Uruha: -briefly glares at him, then returns to glaring at the walk-signal- "But it's not beeping."

Aoi: "It doesn't matter if it's not beeping! We can still go!"

Uruha: -shakes head- "No we can't."

Aoi: "Yes we can! Watch…" –walks halfway across the crosswalk- "…see?"

Uruha: "You're being stupid."

Aoi: "I'm being stupid? Come on Uruha, the signal is going to change!"

Uruha: -crosses arms- "No. I'm not going."

Aoi: -sighs- -walks back to him- "Come on." –tries grabbing his wrist but fails to uncross Uruha's arms- -glares back at him- "You know we're going to be late for rehearsal again if we don't go."

Uruha: -sticks his tongue out at him-

Aoi: "Fine." –goes behind Uruha and starts pushing him forward-

Uruha: -remains completely frozen as Aoi tries pushing him-

Aoi: -fails to get Uruha to budge- "Uruha this is so-!" –lets out a frustrated cry- "We're going to be late for rehearsal!"

Uruha: "If it's not beeping, that means we can't cross."

Aoi: -stares at him, mouth hanging open-

Reita: -walks up- "Oh hey guys. On your way to rehearsal?"

Aoi: -looks at him- "Reita!" –smiles hugely- "You can push Uruha!"

Reita: "What? I don't under-"

Aoi: "Doesn't matter just push him!"

Aoi and Reita: -manage to push Uruha across the street-

Aoi: -looks at Uruha- "There. Was that really so bad?"

Uruha: "You made me cross when the beep-thing wasn't working!" –sticks nose up in the air and storms down the sidewalk angrily-

Reita: "Beep-thing…?"

Aoi: "Oh never mind. Just go!"

Both: -run after Uruha-


Failure part II

Interviewer: "So Ruki, where did you get the idea for the album title: 'Stacked Rubbish?'"

Ruki: "Well," –adjusts sunglasses- "I was lacking inspiration so I looked around my hotel room and I happened to notice a pile of my laundry by the door. I thought to myself, 'wouldn't that be an interesting title?' So I went with it."

Interviewer: "Let me get this straight… you got your inspiration from a pile of laundry?"

Ruki: "Yes."

Interviewer: -stares at him-

Ruki: …

Interviewer: "Okay then…"


You Have to Love the Guitarist

Uruha: "Quick Gay-man! To the Jrockmobile!"

Kai: "I hate you…"



Aoi: "C'mon Ruki, you've got to think up some song lyrics or we're sunk!"

Ruki: -thinks for a few seconds- "I got it! I got it!"

Aoi: -smiles- "Great! What'd you come up with?"

Ruki: "A massive headache."

Aoi: . . .

Ruki: "Eh-heh…"



Miyavi: -is sitting beside Ruki at a special PSC autograph session- "Finally after signing seven thousand t-shirts, photos, posters, CDs and DVDs, it's all over. My hands feel like jelly. I can't sign anything else…"

Ruki: -shakes his head, grinning-

Random fangirl: -walks up to the table- "Hi Miyavi!" –squeals- "Could you sign my CD for me?" –Chibi eyes-

Ruki: -stifles his laughter behind his hand-

Miyavi: -tries to hide his pained expression as he picks up a marker- "Sure." –signs it and hands it back to her- -groans, slamming his head against the table and staying there- "What in the Jrock god's name did I do to deserve this?"

Ruki: "That's simple."

Miyavi: "Yeah?"

Ruki: "You were born."

Miyavi: "Gee, thanks."



Uruha: -runs in, flailing arms- "Aoi! Aoi help me!"

Aoi: -jumps to his feet and runs over to him- "What's wrong Uruha?"

Uruha: "I can't see! I can't see!"

Aoi: -panicked expression- "Why? What happened?"

Reita: -is sitting on the couch- -rolls eyes- "He has his eyes closed idiot."



Ruki: -dials a number on his cell and waits-

Reita: -in his apartment- -answers his cell- "Hey, it's Reita."

Ruki: "Ruki here."

Reita: "Oh hey Ruki."

Ruki: -speaking quietly- "Hey Reita… could you loan me fifty bucks?"

Reita: "What was that? I can't hear you."

Ruki: "Can you loan me fifty bucks?"

Reita: "Louder."

Ruki: "Can you loan me fifty bucks?"

Reita: "Louder."


Reita: "Sorry Ruki, I still can't here you."

Ruki: -just listens as Kai speaks up in the background-

Kai: -was sitting across the room from Reita- "Reita, I'm sitting over here and I can hear him just fine."

Reita: "Then you loan him the fifty bucks Kai!"

Ruki: O_O



Aoi: "You're cute."

Ruki: "No, you are."

Aoi: "No, you are."

Ruki: "No, you are."

Aoi: "You!"

Ruki: "You!"

Aoi: "You!"

Ruki: "You!" –waves a dismissive / embarrassed hand- "…oh, stop."

Aoi: "Eh, that was really gay..."

Ruki: -facepalm- "…I know…"


Av Mimmi - 5 september 2011 20:34

Jag hade inte så mycket för mig så jag bestämde mig för att försöka göra några roliga bilder med j-rockare ^-^

Här kommer resultatet av det jag gjort :D

Av Mimmi - 4 september 2011 07:47

Idag kommer jag kanske inte blogga för jag ska åka på golftävling snart :)

Men jag hoppas jag får tid när jag kommer hem ^-^

Ha det så bra allihopa så länge ;)

Av Mimmi - 3 september 2011 19:08

Yay!! Hittde en till idag och så har jag röstat på nästa veckas deltagare ;)

Så nu hoppas jag några av de jag röstat på åker upp i listan :)

Hoppas också att Royz kommer med nästa vecka ^-^

Okej så denna gången är det Megaromania med låten Quintessence Voyage som ligger 1:a :)

Av Mimmi - 2 september 2011 20:45

Det här var ett intressent program  :D

Jag hittade det nu när jag sökte på Golden Bomber :)

Jag måste ta reda på mer om det ^-^

Så här får ni den del av det som jag hittat :) Programmet heter V-Style.

Det är roligare om man förstår allt men.... det är en massa annat kul X)

9:24 Reita fanboy!!! XD

Av Mimmi - 2 september 2011 20:30

Många japaner bryter ju och så när de pratar/sjunger på engelska och här är ett band med riktigt bra engelska+ de är japaner XD


Av Mimmi - 1 september 2011 19:24

Hejsan ;)

Hoppas ni haft det bra, för det har inte jag.

Det ar skolfoto idag -.-''

Hate it!!! Tycker bara det är onödigt :(

Men,men det får bli som det blev ;)

Men nu ska ni få dagens låt för jag orkar inte lägga upp nåt mer just nu XD

Sorry men det bara är så....

Imorgon har jag mer tid så då ska jag se till att blogga :)

Det får bli Spiv States med låten Glider :)


Mami här igen :D
14 år och helt kär i just J-rock och har en familj som inte riktigt förstår en -.-
Hoppas ni kommer att gilla den här bloggen ^^


Fråga mig

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